domenica 9 settembre 2012

Korg A4 Bass Manual

I've recently acquired this Korg pedalboard from a friend of mine, but the previous owners completely messed up the presets.
I wanted to reset it to the factory settings, but I had no idea of how I could do such a thing. Moreover this baby is not exactly user friendly. So I looked around for a manual but it turned out to be really difficult to obtain: Korg website dosen't have it and their costumer service ignored my mails.
I wasn't able to easily find it around the web either, the only place i founded to have it in pdf actually wanted me to register  and PAY to dowload it.
So when I had the luck to put my greedy hands on a rather good version of it I decided to share it with the net:

Click here to Download Korg A4 Bass Manual

I Hope it could be useful to someone else!

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